Five Years Since BP: Gulf Watchdogs Reflect on the Other Gulf Oil Spill

Five Years Since BP: Gulf Watchdogs Reflect on the Other Gulf Oil Spill

April 22, 2015 – Five years ago today the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig sank into the Gulf of Mexico after an explosion claimed 11 lives and touched off a disaster that still poisons the Gulf Coast. While the 2010 BP disaster undeniably devastated Gulf communities and ecosystems, few people realize that chronic oil and gas pollution from other sources is impacting the Gulf Coast on an almost daily basis. Since July 15,…

[SouthWings] Best Practices in Aerial Observation of Oil Spills in Open Water

In the five years since BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and sank in April of 2010 -- killing 11 people and leading to an uncontrolled 87-day oil gusher that covered vast areas of the Gulf of Mexico in oil -- SouthWings and our partners in the Gulf Monitoring Consortium have learned much about effective citizen reporting of pollution, especially related to oil spills in water. Thanks to the work of SkyTruth, we have also…